The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

May 15, 2008 at 1:01 pm | Posted in Democrat Party, K.K.K | 75 Comments

Our nation’s top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations (of thousands of black and white Republicans). On the issue of slavery: historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.

The Democrats:
  • Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.
  • Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws.
  • Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery.
  • Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery.
  • Democrats supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision.
  • Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered our teachers.
  • Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws.
  • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is well known for having been a “Kleagle” in the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage.
  • Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans.
  • Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
  • Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
  • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama.
  • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Ku Klux Klan in Kansas City in 1922.
  • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching.
  • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposed integration of the armed forces.
  • Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
  • Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson.
  • Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka Kansas in the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas.
  • Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators.
  • Democrats were who Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other protesters were fighting.
  • Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox “brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant.
  • Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be segregation forever.
  • Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
  • Democrat Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act.
  • Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King.
  • Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI.
  • Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation.
  • Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  • Southern Democrats opposed desegregation and integration.

Democrats opposed:

  1. The Emancipation Proclamation
  2. The 13th Amendment
  3. The 14th Amendment
  4. The 15th Amendment
  5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867
  6. The Civil Rights of 1866
  7. The Enforcement Act of 1870
  8. The Forced Act of 1871
  9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
  10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875
  11. The Freeman Bureau
  12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957
  13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960
  14. The United State Civil Rights Commission

Republicans gave strong bi-partisan support and sponsorship for the following

  1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  2. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
  3. The 1968 Civil Rights Acts
  4. The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972
  5. Goals and Timetables for Affirmative Action Programs
  6. Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973
  7. Voting Rights Act of Amendment of 1982
  8. Civil Rights Act of 1983
  9. Federal Contract Compliance and Workforce Development Act of 1988
The Republicans:
  • Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over the objection of Democrats.
  • Republicans founded the HBCU’s (Historical Black College’s and Universities) and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
  • Republicans pushed through much of the ground-breaking civil rights legislation in Congress.
  • Republicans fought slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote.
  • Republicans pushed through much of the groundbreaking civil rights legislation from the 1860s through the 1960s.
  • Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops into the South to desegregate the schools.
  • Republican President Eisenhower appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, was the one who pushed through the civil rights laws of the 1960’s.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing.
  • Republican and black American, A. Phillip Randolph, organized the 1963 March by Dr. King on Washington.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act Roll Call Vote: In the House, only 64 percent of the Democrats (153 yes, 91 no), but 80 percent of the Republicans (136 yes, 35 no), voted for it. In the Senate, while only 68 percent of the Democrats endorsed the bill (46 yes, 21 no), 82 percent of the Republicans voted to enact it (27 yes, 6 no).

Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican that introduced legislation to give African Americans the so-called 40 acres and a mule and Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the bill.

During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities.

History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.

History reveals that it was Abolitionists and Radical Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional Black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. Many of our traditional Black colleges are named after white Republicans.

After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 25 years, the average African American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party that was specifically designed to eradicate the unique problems that African Americans face today.

As of 2004, the Democrat Party (the oldest political party in America) has never elected a black man to the United States Senate, the Republicans have elected three.


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  1. […] KKK – Terrorist wing of Democrat party.. YouTube – The KKK was started by Democrats. The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party. The Real Democrat Party Hope that provides you with the help that you obviously […]

    • Stop telling lies. Lying is a sin.

      • Who those “Democrats” were then is not who they are now, just as the Republicans of Lincoln, are not the Republicans in the present day. The Democrats then, are the Dixiecrats, or Blue Dogs today, who are the Republicans in Democrat’s clothing! They vote Republican, attend Republican functions, and they speak at Republican events! They are the ones who wave the Confederate flag; you would never find a true Democrat waving the Confederate flag! And you would never find a Confederate flag waver voting Democratic! To drege up the fact that a group was named something long ago, is absurd! It is their beliefs and actions of today that are important! The Republicans no longer are the ecology, conservation minded party they were previously, either. They are devolving, instead of evolving! The parties go through many incarnations! People switch parties when the party’s ideals change. They switch them to fit their own current beliefs and values. Look at Megan McCain: she has much more Progressive values and beliefs than most of the Republicans, and she has said that she and her father disagree on many issues. She is pro gay marriage and gay rights. I believe she is trying to modify the Republicans, but frankly, I think she is beating a dead horse; and it will never happen. I am curious, just what this “revelation” about the “Democrats” of the South, who are the Blue Dogs, and Republicans of today proves! A name is nothing; it is the intent and actions of the people that counts! The TRUE Democrats of today are the Democrats of civil rights and caring for the rights and the welfare of all people! Do you honestly think Democrats are believers in lynchings? Do you truly think they would step on people’s rights? Frankly, people of those mindsets TODAY, DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRATIC! It is so sad and desperate to bring up this tired history that is not relevant today. If your great grandfather was a horse thief, and you are an honest, hard working doctor; would it be fair to have people point fingers at you and call you, “horse thief?” It is the actions and intent of the people, or groups today that is relevant; not what happened years ago with people who are all gone! Do you really believe that members of the KKK today vote Democrat? I would be ASTONISHED and WOULD BET MY LIFE TO SAY NO! I think it is a “SIN” to do this kind of smear job on Democrats, when you know that no Democrat in the party today would ever condone behavior of the people of long ago who called themselves “Democrat!” Today is what is important; not yesterday! I believe this is an absurd, and transparent attempt to have African Americans become alarmed and vote Republican! That is an insult to those people, that you think they are dumb enough to be horrified by this “revelation!” How old is this historical data? Why bring it up now? Tell us about rotten Democratic apples of today! Be relevant! It show people that Republicans are so damn desperate to get votes; they are willing to take history and try and make it “breaking news!” It is sad and really, really pathetic! Smart people don’t listen to FOX “News” and smart people see through this Republican attempts to smear good people in order to gain a few votes! There is your REAL “SIN!”

      • South Carolina Democrat Senator Ernest Hollings put up the confederate flag over the South Carolina state house when he was governor.

        Clearly anybody who believes so strongly in the democrat party when faced with their history of racism and just ignore it and say it’s republicans doesn’t care about the truth. They are animated and motivated by their mystical hatred for conservatives. It’s almost a supernatural hatred. Kinda like people who hate Jews but can’t really understand why.

      • DemonRtas are DUMBasCRAP and it’s now onder they try and lie about their raicst and bigote history. They “claim” the parties switched. LOL! The Democrats Party has always been one for lying scoundrles, cheats and dead beats…

      • Are dirty politician, but are many solution, one is investigate each candidate won run, if real conservatives, force a sign a contract where any time during a term can be remove if broke any promise. Now with all negative reputation Dem KKK had prove are a criminals association Party, nothing with politic, support and let illegal alien became a President? that are real treaty. But criminals Party must no have any right of political representation. Now I can’t understand how black can vote for a Party who are pure hate and was kill negros in a past? How can let criminals run a Government? But are another thing, why Supreme Court was support Dems? I thing have a answer, all Judges must scare criminals who have so much power and can kill and kill all family, but now start change when see Dems was loose so much support and became a time of change all. All Liberals must ban and became out law, but never let back in power, no mere what lie said. If investigate each candidates will stop liberals go to power, like clean a system of Liberals Lawyers, that will set a brake to all Liberals.

      • This is historically recorded fact. I don’t think this information was included:

        “The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968, with the annual peak occurring in the late 1800s, when Democrats acted to enforce white supremacy”

      • Well Cheryl Petro Prove your claims and name these so called democrats who supposedly switched sides. Every single person elected is listed along with their part and not one of these so called people switched sides. I see you liberals and Democrats make this claim constantly and not one of you can prove it.
        The democrats did not become republicans and vise a versa. It is amazing that you all have fooled so many people for so long and even when the truth is posted you all claim it was actually democrats who switched to Republican and made civil rights laws. Are you that dumb? Name them.
        As for your claim that no true Democrat ever waved a rebel flag seriously did you attend school? Did you ditch history class? Sen. Larry Bird was a klan member you idiot and a Democrat. Blue dog democrats are klan members? Prove it and name them. I know you can’t but I challenge you to prove your stupid claims.
        Every single elected officials votes are available through the library of Congress along with which party they are in. There was not a change as you claim were any party member became members of another party and changed laws because they were against what their party was doing. It never happened and you need to actually do research and not just repeat what your brainwashed into believing.

  2. Great article. I noticed not a single Democrat, Liberal or Progressive has left a comment. When that happens, that means they have nothing to say. It’s hard to debate facts. Keep up the good work

    • You are a total idiot! You need a real education, not propaganda from immoral liars who can’t back up their statements with specific facts, but instead make general statements to be presented as fact. Get an education, you moron!

      • by the way you spew vitriol you must be a… um… wait for it….LIBERAL.

      • REALLY?! ALL of this is backed up by “specific facts.” All you have to do is look at the history of our nation, instead of filling yourself with the propaganda & lies of politicians & their lap dog media, and you can find the truth without much trouble.

        “Get an education, you moron!” are the words YOU used. You would do well to follow your own advice.

    • Parties started to switch in 1964 a lot, the KKK votes republican now. Keep up with times.

      • It’s true. There was a shifting of ideologies in the early 60’s and the southern states had their own Blue Dog justice that was not accepted across party lines.

      • You are repeating a well known lie. Name one leader or senator who switched sides during the late 60’s. We will all wait very patiently.

      • By the way the leaders of the kkk have been union hardened democrats for the last several decades. Do you know how to use a search button?

      • Jesse Helms, Mills Godwin, Strom Thurmon

  3. Thanks Scotty, it’s amazing to observe.

  4. It always amazes me how right-wingers always make statements without ever providing specific facts to back up their statements. They call Obama a Muslim and say he isn’t an American. They say global warming is not real and is a liberal conspiracy. The call health care reform Socialism. They forget the history of Brown vs. the Board of Education when they claim the majority of Americans opinion supersedes so-called “activist” judges’ rulings on the unconstitutionality of barring gay marriage. Now, they want to claim that Democrats are racists and republicans favor civil rights. I support prison terms for people making such idiotic claims without backing up the facts. This kind of deception is more dangerous than terrorism.

    • always….as opposed to never. I suppose democrats never do what you are accusing republicans of always doing. Spoken like a true liberal. And human babies never have rights unless the mother confers them on the child ny her “choice”.

    • May not be a muslim, but damn does he look like one 4 years later.

    • Are you seriously that much of an idiot? Everything posted above can be fact checked.

  5. Well, even if these lies were true, it would prove only one thing: Democrats of old were conservative, while Republicans of old were liberal. Likewise, Democrats today are liberal, while Republicans today are conservative. In other words, Democrats chose what is right and just, while Republicans chose what is not. End of argument.

    • Contrary to the false assertions by Democrats, the racist “Dixiecrats” did not all migrate to the Republican Party. “Dixiecrats” declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was know as the party for blacks. Today, some of those “Dixiecrats” continue their political careers as Democrats, including Robert Byrd, who is well known for having been a “Keagle” in the Ku Klux Klan.

      Another former “Dixiecrat” is former Democrat Sen. Ernest Hollings, who put up the Confederate flag over the state Capitol when he was the governor of South Carolina. There was no public outcry when Democrat Sen. Christopher Dodd praised Byrd as someone who would have been “a great senator for any moment,” including the Civil War. Yet Democrats denounced then-Senate GOP leader Trent Lott for his remarks about Sen. Strom Thurmond (R.-S.C.). Thurmond was never in the Ku Klux Klan and defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats. If Byrd and Thurmond were alive during the Civil War, and Byrd had his way, Thurmond would have been lynched.

      • Yep.

      • Check out Senator Byrd I think you will find that he finally grew a pair and changed his views and got some education and helped President Obama out quite a lot.
        Oh yeah and apologized for his views and racism.

      • KKK votes republican now.

    • Again repeating a mantra without any real knowledge of history. Name one senator in congress that switched sides in the 60’s like you democrats like to believe.

  6. Great job and compilation!

  7. Coffee 260, obviously you cannot grasp the idea of change; and that a name of a group that has entirely different values today than a group with the same nameas yesterday makes it an entirely different and unique entity. Nor do you (or want to) understand that Blue Dogs and Dixiecrats are Republicans in every sense of the word except name. When you vote Republican and speak at Republican events; that makes you a Republican; no matter the name you work under. It is a well known fact, only you seem to be left in the dark on that issue! It is the core values that make a group! I am a member of the Green Party; but if tomorrow, the Green Party acted like they wanted to destroy the environment and change their values so drastically; I would leave and register as a member of a different party! That is what happened with the Democrats! They changed their core values and the people who are attracted to it are those who admire them. Okay, people in the past who acted under the name Democrat, were bad! They are not the Democrats of today at all! The Democrats rid themselves of the rotten apples and now are the party of equality and civil rights! Republicans have devolved into middle class hating, civil rights abusing monsters who only live to serve the big corporations and themselves! The past lives to serve as a reminder to avoid such hideous behavior in the future to everyone! Thank goodness the Democratic party of today is not that party of the Southern Democrats! I would have nothing to do with them, nor waste my time defending them! It is just too bad that the Republicans are turning into the party that attracts racists and greedy people! Had they stayed on the same course of ecology and preservation of wilderness areas, and civil rights; I might have registered as Republican! But seeing as they have devolved dramatically, and are not even close to who they were in the past; I would rather be hit by a truck crossing the street than call myself a Republican! They are called “The Party of Dirty Tricks” for a reason; because they live up to it every day Karl Rove spins another one for them to follow (or the Kock Brothers!) Okay! You WON, long ago a party calling themselves Democrats, did bad things! Now what? What does that do for you? Do you hate all Gremans because many were Nazis back in World War Two? Hate the Japanses because they invaded Pearl Harbor? Do you hate their relatives who had nothing to do with those events, and abhor what happened? What would it help, and what would be the point? Remember, but don’t hate people who are innocent! That is the same with Democrats! They are NOT the party of the lynch mobs, or civil rights violations; and to keep pointing out as a big accusation today, of something done by NONE of the people today; is ridiculous and only makes you look desperate to smear good people! You are abysmal and awfully small!

    • I have a simple question I bet you never contemplated. Or if you have, simple ignored it because it doesn’t fit in your template. Here it is. If the Dixiecrats and racist democrats all switched to the republican party, why didn’t the republican party suddenly start pushing legislation for, or advocating for repressive policies? Remember, it was Richard Nixon who passed affirmative action. Did he not get the memo that republicans were now the party of segregation and Jim crow laws?

      Or maybe Reagan forgot he was in the Dixiecrats midsts when he extended and expanded the voting rights act.

      One fact you’ll never avoid. Every! Single! Piece! Of! Repressive! And Racist policy ever inacted into law in this country was done by the hands of a democrat. PERIOD!!!

      • Democratic party ultimately fused bicameral politics. In reality, Neos (dems and republicans) are a Masonic single party parliamentary entity and are pledged to repatriation, the only distinguishable difference between them their fiscal budgets. MB is likewise the same model. All three are controlled by British government. Bicameral politics in the US is a hoax. Americans have become demoralized on pharmatoxic fast food (McDonald’s in particular), decadent sex/abortion and degenerate entertainment. They’re so into this Satanic culture reality is not making sense to them. Americans got a POTUS who is a reflection of who they are in their soul. If they want out of this, they are going to have to disconnect from the bait, including Poliwood.

      • LOL, just stumbled on this post. Good Stuff and tail tucked and unresponsive as usual. Amazing how easily they give up when they can’t find the answer on the huffington post or the daily Kos.

      • Prove it! Show us one democrat that switched to the Republican Party in congress during the 60’s. The kkk leadership has been hardened union democrats for the last several decades. You guys are like the most clueless bunch of people I know. Do you even know how to open up a history book or use a search engine?

  8. […] Yes, the Klu Klux klan was the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party! […]

  9. […] The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.  May 15, 2008 […]

  10. […] The REAL Democrat Party […]

    • when they are willing to see the truth. Until they do they will blindly keep voting for Democrats and everything else is a lie, and the Republican Party fault. I finally had to ask why do Democrats hate Republicans- I asked my mom and got the answer. History of the Democratic Party has always been available- but when people don’t bother to check out things for them – they will sometimes follow lies and deceit. My mom was a source of info so when I did my research – It became real clear what is going on and has not changed – it may look different to some but it ‘s the same, Democrats – Hate Republicans period and now I have a better understanding of what that hate is.

  11. I feel it is real important that people know what party they stand for and why. History says it all.

  12. Fantastic compilation: While I understand the problem of citation – you’re probably not on a grant from an Anti-Freedom Foundation (e.g. Tides or Ford) – the history we know verifies everything I have read here.

    It’s unfortunate that the mind-numbing Big Lie machine can actually reach into your blog. These facts which should be taught in the 8th or 9th grade as history have vanished from our schools – which btw proves not only the school’s biases but also verifies the continued racism of the Democrat Party.

    The only real diversity in the Democrat Party is the diversity of the color of the racist. Think about it.

    The comments are also sad. I notice the oft repeated Big Lie of the magical change of the Republican Party into the party of racism.

    Having lived through the era and participated in both parties with both racists and tolerant folks – the real reason for the rise of the Republican Party in the south was anti-racism.

    Essentially, the post-Vietnam generation, the generation that came of age between 71 and 83 in the south discovered that the ability of the Democrats to use their Big Lie Machine to personally destroy people and their Klan to attack people had failed. That generation wanted nothing to do with the Klan or the racism or bigotry that went with it … so they became Republican.

    In real experience: Republicans moved “right” and “Christian” and tolerant and anti-racist as they were flooded by young idealistic southerners who rejected their Democrat parent’s bigotry. The Democrats fought this the way they always fight. By Lying and Lying Big Time.

    The truth is that actual Republicans were more likely to soft racists who believed in welfare and special help for the “inferior” BEFORE 1971. By 1990, thought the Bushies still believed this type of soft racism, on the ground real Republicans were the most tolerant people in America (second only to Big Black Baptist Babes) … seriously, I’m just going by observation.

    As for Democrats: They are now racist beyond belief. And the type and forms of their racism is the one area where they do experience diversity. Contrary to their own beliefs – since they won’t talk to one another about it – Blacks hate Jews or Mexicans, Mexicans hate Blacks, Jews (atheist not believers) hate Blacks and Christians, White Democrats are all soft racists rather than hard racists who believe the non-whites are inferior; And they all hate Whites who disagree with them and their plans for dystopia.

    All of the people I have heard disparaging blacks in any form on the basis of their perma-tans have been Democrats.

    Over the years, some Democrats have moved to the Republicans – me included. This is not because they were racists who were driven out by tolerance and Kumbaya sessions – it is because of the increasing intolerance and bigotry of the Democrats. (In my own case, I challenged a knee-jerk anti-business reaction by a self avowed socialist and unionist who nearly beat my head in. That was it. I was tired of dealing with ignoramuses with mental issues.)

    Over the years, the Republicans have continued to trend more tolerant and more anti-racist and anti-bigot. As this trend continued and the people on the ground focused on real issues (while being derided by both Left and Right media) the Democrats have been forced to rely on their Big Lies because they have nothing else.

    Of course, there are still the Bushies and the soft racists of the country club establishment.

    But why are these not a measure of racism in the GOP?

    Because dipsticks the Bushies and the establishment are Big Govt, progressives. Again – observation shows that the ONLY group these people hate are conservatives. e.g. Sarah Palin. e.g. me. Ordinary people whose shoes these Democrat fellow travelers are not worthy to polish.

    So the last vestige of bigotry in the GOP is Anti-Conservative, Anti-ordinary, Anti-success, Anti-merit, and typically agrees with the Democrats in all but the intensity of the Democrat’s hatred for America. And I’m sorry – but I have MET these people including in the Bush administration and they have not one bone of “traditional” affirmative racism in their bodies. They will tell you themselves that if only the evil stupid conservatives who oppose them stop being racist then the inferior not-whites will have utopia. They even use the same words and phrasing to express their soft racist views at those used by Democrats.

    So the only guilt the GOP has is that the rich, and increasingly irrelevant elite share their hatred of conservatives with Democrats.

    Literally just observing the facts – by someone who has seen these people with their guard down…

  13. Please check out our site The Last Civil Right on WordPress when you have time! We are 7 Black Female Conservatives who are are doing our best to get the correct facts out for the African American Community as well!

  14. Reblogged this on Black Conservative Independent: The White Sheep of the Black Community and commented:
    I found this article to be very interesting and full of some amazing facts that most people do not know! It shows what the Democrat Party actually was and who actually has fought harder for the Black Community and Civil Rights! It’s hard for me to believe why anyone in the Black community would want to be apart of the Democrat Party after knowing all of this.

  15. […] The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.May 15, 2008 at 1:01 pm | Posted in Democrat Party, K.K.K  |  18 Comments […]

  16. […] The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.May 15, 2008 at 1:01 pm | Posted in Democrat Party, K.K.K  |  18 Comments […]

  17. Occult Formation of a Political Party: democrat= demon+ crat (Bourgeois)= demon wealthy middle class. The US democratic party is a Satanic sabotage Tory policy making entity. Dems are Satanic.

  18. […] know, I think Thompson has a point. After all, how could Clarence Thomas be a loyal member of the party of slavery, segregation, and the KKK without being an Uncle Tom? How could he have eulogized a KKK leader as a deeply religious […]

  19. It amaze’s me how blacks have become totally color-blind. Obama has and is continuing to demolish our country, injecting racism to create division, creating laws with his Hitler-Like rule, emasculating our economy, eliminating employment, violating our Constitution daily, flooding our streets with illegals, appointing more racists like Holder and DHS slimeball ! Let’s also face reality, the Trilateralists are the group that groomed Obama and most democrats since Carter, so face facts, BLACKS did not get OBAMA elected. And also factual, Martin Luther King was a republican……..

  20. The only problem here is that the democrats that are spoken of were all conservatives from them South. Oops!

  21. …..unless of course you think people like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Robert Byrd, etc were all a bunch of liberals. Derp.

  22. Liberals will always re-writing the truth. Its how they get facts. They do not find them, they create them. Its always been that was since the beginning and is now. Just ask if Liberals are so much for rights and freedom, why are they always trying to fight the constitutional laws they are not found of. They are pick and choosers of rights and thats just wrong !

  23. […] filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage)? That the KKK was a Democratic-backed mob, that the Democrats largely backed the Dred Scott Decision, and that the Republican-supported NRA […]

  24. Reblogged this on My

  25. […] I found this article written in 2008 and I just had to feature it here! It is some interesting reading, and do encourage others to do research and look for themselves!!! I was “born” into the Democrat Party, most of my family members are Democrats! It was not until later on (after I joined the military, and was out on my own in the real world) that I began to hear things about the Republican Party and began to research who was actually for the Black Community , Ending Slavery, and the Civil Rights Movement and who was not. I think it is very important that people expose themselves to and know accurate history, not just the stuff that you have been spoon fed from the Left, other family members, and friends. If people would educate themselves, this Country wouldn’t be going down the drain so fast! I hope you enjoy the article and please share this with any and every Liberal friend (Black, White or Any Race) that you may have, so they might have a chance to  learn accurate history and educate themselves as well!The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party […]

  26. Is this true. …that ?

  27. What a bunch of BS. Isn’t it just strange our present president is a black person and is a Democrat. Isn’t that strange?

  28. […] Democrats voted against equal rights measures during that century, sabotaging our nation’s racial equanimity until President Lyndon Johnson was pressured to pass new Civil Rights acts, finally re-empowering the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. This Democrat President was not shy about admitting, even bragging, that the much of his motivation to push Civil Rights guarantees and expansive welfare programs to benefit Blacks was for the purpose of garnering their appreciative votes and keeping them voting Democratic for years to come. […]

    • “Who those “Democrats” were then is not who they are now, just as the Republicans of Lincoln, are not the Republicans in the present day. The Democrats then, are the Dixiecrats, or Blue Dogs today, who are the Republicans in Democrat’s clothing! They vote Republican, attend Republican functions, and they speak at Republican events! They are the ones who wave the Confederate flag; you would never find a true Democrat waving the Confederate flag! And you would never find a Confederate flag waver voting Democratic! To drege up the fact that a group was named something long ago, is absurd! It is their beliefs and actions of today that are important! The Republicans no longer are the ecology, conservation minded party they were previously, either. They are devolving, instead of evolving! The parties go through many incarnations! People switch parties when the party’s ideals change. They switch them to fit their own current beliefs and values. Look at Megan McCain: she has much more Progressive values and beliefs than most of the Republicans, and she has said that she and her father disagree on many issues. She is pro gay marriage and gay rights. I believe she is trying to modify the Republicans, but frankly, I think she is beating a dead horse; and it will never happen. I am curious, just what this “revelation” about the “Democrats” of the South, who are the Blue Dogs, and Republicans of today proves! A name is nothing; it is the intent and actions of the people that counts! The TRUE Democrats of today are the Democrats of civil rights and caring for the rights and the welfare of all people! Do you honestly think Democrats are believers in lynchings? Do you truly think they would step on people’s rights? Frankly, people of those mindsets TODAY, DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRATIC! It is so sad and desperate to bring up this tired history that is not relevant today. If your great grandfather was a horse thief, and you are an honest, hard working doctor; would it be fair to have people point fingers at you and call you, “horse thief?” It is the actions and intent of the people, or groups today that is relevant; not what happened years ago with people who are all gone! Do you really believe that members of the KKK today vote Democrat? I would be ASTONISHED and WOULD BET MY LIFE TO SAY NO! I think it is a “SIN” to do this kind of smear job on Democrats, when you know that no Democrat in the party today would ever condone behavior of the people of long ago who called themselves “Democrat!” Today is what is important; not yesterday! I believe this is an absurd, and transparent attempt to have African Americans become alarmed and vote Republican! That is an insult to those people, that you think they are dumb enough to be horrified by this “revelation!” How old is this historical data? Why bring it up now? Tell us about rotten Democratic apples of today! Be relevant! It show people that Republicans are so damn desperate to get votes; they are willing to take history and try and make it “breaking news!” It is sad and really, really pathetic! Smart people don’t listen to FOX “News” and smart people see through this Republican attempts to smear good people in order to gain a few votes! There is your REAL “SIN!”

  29. Hi, I was a fourth generation Republican, daughter of a small business owner, who proudly stood by their party. The last Republican I voted for was Ronnie. Then something shifted. Big Business reigned supreme. I no longer felt it was the party of my youth, so I changed parties and have happily been a Democrat ever since. I know that the Republicans have shifted their ideology not to helping people but to preventing others from helping people. Why would starving people vote Republican when their party prevents them from accessing medical care. Why would they vote Republican when they’re sending jobs overseas. I want what you want. A better future for us all and our children. As we fight amongst each other, politicians are working out their own deals, maybe even to the extent of who will be President. Let’s work together to make a brighter future where the top of the heap keeps taking advantage of those toward the bottom of the heap. We the People means all of us together, one nation, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all! 🇺🇸

  30. HA…. Today, Communist Party USA votes democrat! And Hillary Clinton had a confederate flag in her office! Hail to the party of RACIALISTS! The union guys I have worked with many times HATE the fact that I had black men working for me. . . . those union guys vote democrat. One of them even said, “We had the N*****S locked away in those HUD high rises, and Reagan let ’em all out of their cages”
    Racism is alive and well in America today, thanks to the racialist leaders of the democrat party.

  31. […] your head exploding.  So, for example, take the Ku Klux Klan, and take the historic FACT that the Ku Klux Klan was began as the terrorist arm of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and that the Klan was still so deeply embedded into Democratic Party politics that […]

  32. This is a map of the electoral college that elected Abraham Lincoln and it very clearly shows that the Republican south of today was the Democrats south of 1860. During the FDR years those southern Democrats fled the party to become today’s Republicans.,_1860&h=202&w=348&tbnid=CwnsDwL6iL1sQM:&vet=1&tbnh=122&tbnw=211&docid=NrX00aYNCmFvCM&usg=__hxfWtH2OwLlY2hH3tVOOmxhDiLE=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLzqn4t87RAhXIgFQKHeclCmoQ9QEIPzAA

    • One problem; it doesn’t defend your lies and it is not solid evidence. There was a younger generation of conservatives that voted for RR and started the conservative movement. He was the greatest POTUS in my lifetime. I lived through the Jim Crows laws of the effing democrats, so stop the lies.


    Conservatives fought to keep slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, and the Civil Rights Act. FACT !!

    Conservatives have proven they will jump from political party to political party infecting it.

    Conservatives started infecting the Republican party after Truman integrated the military in 1948. Conservatives had fully infected the republican party by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    You should have learned this in a HS history class

    • Nice opinion, to bad you don’t believe in fact based evidence. The conservative party did not fight to keep slavery you ding bat. The conservative party as deep rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs and Christianity itself does not condone nor has it ever condoned slavery. You are nothing more than a liberal fool that believes anything revisionist historians will place in Hollywood movies..

    • Valerio- you are a clueless moron. The author laid out the evidence here which is on public record. If can see and accept, please pack up and leave the USA and go to Iran/Iraq/Cuba and let me know how that works for you.

  34. […] de mayo de 2008 a la 1:01 pm | Publicado en Democrat Party , KKK | 69 Comentarios Los principales historiadores de nuestra nación revelan que el Partido Demócrata nos dio el Ku […]

  35. […] Real Democratic History-another overwhelming list of the history of Democrats and their opposition to Civil Rights […]

  36. Reblogged this on Bobertelliott's Blog.

  37. […] historical iterations, though, this report continues, the KKK is most widely known as being “the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party”—and whose actions today on behalf of the Democratic Party can be likened to those used […]

  38. […] historical iterations, though, this report continues, the KKK is most widely known as being “the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party”—and whose actions today on behalf of the Democratic Party can be likened to those used […]

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